Fee Structure
Select Your User Type:
You are affiliated with an organization regulated by FINRA and will obtain access to the FINRA API Platform via your firm's designated Super Account Adminstrator (SAA).
You are affiliated with an organization not regulated by FINRA and will obtain access to the FINRA API Platform via your organization's designated certification representative (AA).
You plan to access the API Platform as an individual, regardless of your affiliation with a firm or other organization, by creating an Individual API account.
Available API Credential Types
Firm | Organization | SRO | Fingerprint | Public | |
$1650per month |
$1650per month |
$0per month |
$0per month |
$0per month |
Query API | |||||
Blocks Summary | |||||
Consolidated Short Interest | |||||
Monthly Summary | |||||
OTC Block Summary | |||||
Reg SHO Daily Short Sale Volume | |||||
Threshold List | |||||
Weekly Summary | |||||
Limited | |||||
FINRA Rulebook | |||||
Industry Snapshot: Firm Registration Types | |||||
4530 Customer Complaints | |||||
Agency Debt Market Breadth | |||||
Agency Debt Market Sentiment | |||||
Corporate 144A Debt Market Breadth | |||||
Corporate 144A Debt Market Sentiment | |||||
Corporate And Agency Capped Volume | |||||
Corporate Debt Market Breadth | |||||
Corporate Debt Market Sentiment | |||||
Securitized Product Capped Volume | |||||
Treasury Daily Aggregates | |||||
Treasury Monthly Aggregates | |||||
Limited | Limited | Limited | Limited | ||
Accounting | |||||
Annual Reg Element Continuing Education | |||||
Branch Associated Individuals | |||||
Branch Delta | |||||
Branch List | |||||
Branch Office | |||||
Branch Office Associated Individuals | |||||
Branch Office Details | |||||
Branch Office Financial Activities | |||||
Branch Office Locations | |||||
Branch Office Registrations | |||||
Composite Branch | |||||
Composite Individual | |||||
Composite Individual Seed | |||||
Continuing Education | |||||
Deficiencies | |||||
Disclosure | |||||
Disclosure Filings | |||||
Employments | |||||
FingerPrint | |||||
Firm Disclosures | |||||
Firm Profile | |||||
Firm Registration Status History | |||||
Firm Registrations | |||||
IAR Continuing Education | |||||
Inactive Individual | |||||
Inactive Individual Branch Office Locations | |||||
Inactive Individual Employments | |||||
Inactive Individual Registration Status History | |||||
Inactive Individual Registrations | |||||
Individual Delta | |||||
Individual Fingerprint | |||||
Individual Pre-Registration Search | |||||
Individual Pre-Registration Search v2 | |||||
Individual Registration Validation | |||||
Individual Registration Validation Details | |||||
Professional Designations | |||||
Qualification Exams | |||||
Registered Individual Search | |||||
Registered Individuals | |||||
Registration Status History | |||||
Registrations | |||||
Residential Locations |
Notification API | |||||
FINRA Rulebook Notification |
Submission API | |||||
BR | |||||
Create Individual | |||||
NRF | |||||
U4 | |||||
U5 |
Try Our APIs in Test Mode
Create an Individual Account and start building right away with a Test Credential and mock data.
1. What is the API Fee Structure?
The fee charged for access to the FINRA API platform is made up of two components:
- A monthly API Connection fee when a Firm or Organization API Credential is created. This fee is charged once per API customer organization and NOT for each API credential created.
- A monthly data overage fee when the data usage associated with an API Credential exceeds 10 GB in a month.
There are three (3) production API Credential Types available:
- Public
- Firm
- Organization
Only the Firm and the Organization API Credentials incur the data overage fees.
The Public Credential does not incur fees but the data usage for these credentials is limited to 10 GB per month. The credential will become inactive once the 10 GB usage limit is reached until the beginning of the next calendar month.
2. What is the Data Overage Fee?
Each Firm and Organization API Credential provisioned with the API Console has a 10GB data usage allocation per month. When this 10GB allocation is exceeded a data overage fee of $250 per additional 10GB used during the month will be charged.
Public and Test API Credentials are also limited to 10GB of data usage per month. However, when this limit is exceeded for these Credential Types, the credential is made inactive until the first day of the following month.
If your use of a Public API Credential requires more than 10GB of data usage per month on a regular basis, you may upgrade the credential to either a Firm or Organization Credential based on your API User Type.
3. Are API Fees Prorated for Partial Months?
All API Platform fees are incurred on a monthly basis. The monthly fee is prorated when an API Credential is created on other than the first day of a month. So for example, if an API Credential was created on 1/18/2022 the fee will include 13 days (through and including 1/31/2022) or 43% of the full monthly fee for the credential.
The API Platform fee is not prorated or refunded when an organization ends its use of the API platform. Any fees due for the current month are charged in full but are not incurred in subsequent months.Active credentials will continue to be available until the end of the current billing month.
The 10GB monthly data usage quota for each API Credential is not prorated or reduced for partial months.
- The monthly fee is also prorated if an API Credential type is upgraded during a month (e.g. a Public credential is upgraded to a Firm or Organization credential).
- The credential type or credential status may only be changed once during a billing month. For example, if you change the status of a credential to inactive, you will not be able to change the status or the type of that credential until the first day of the next month.
4. How are API Credentials Provisioned?
All API Credentials are provisioned using the API Console.
The API Console is a FINRA Gateway hosted app that provides a fully automated, self-service API credential management capability to FINRA’s API customers.
The process for accessing the API Console depends on whether you are affililated with an organization regulated by FINRA, affiliated with another financial services organization (e.g. vendor, service provider, insurance company), or an individual just interested in learning about the API Platform and testing it out, or using the platform for your own non-commercial purpose.
It is important to review the API Console documentation because there are preliminary steps that your firm/organization may have to complete in order to onboard to the API Platform.
5. How are API Fees Invoiced and Paid?
All API fees are invoiced using FINRA's E-Bill service. E-Bill is accessed via FINRA Gateway.
The Super Account Administrator (SAA) at each firm, or an AA at each organization, can assign entitlement to E-Bill for employees.
Contact your SAA or AA to request access to E-Bill.
6. What is a customer test period?
The API platform supports a one-time 30-day customer test period for each new API customer. This feature is designed to allow organizations to further test the API platform using production data before committing to a subscription. It extends the testing capabilities provided by the mock/test data available on the platform.
The first time a FIRM or ORGANIZATION credential is created by an API customer, the customer test period will automatically begin. This means no fees will be incurred during the first 30-days following the creation of the first credential. Once the test period has expired, fees will be incurrend and invoiced each month. If the credential is deactivated or deleted prior to the end of the customer test period, no fees will be incurred until the credential is reactivated or until another FIRM or ORGANIZATION credential is created.
7. Is there a limit to a number of Firm or Organization Credentials I can create?
The API console allows an API Customer to create up to five active FIRM or ORGANIZATION credentials at one time. This limit applies to all such credentials created by all API Console users entitled to access the API Console in an organization.
If your organizations requires additional credentials please submit a request to API support.
8. Do I have to pay for every credential I create?
You will be charged for only the first Firm or Organization credential you create. Once you create the first PAID credential, you can create four additional credential free of charge. Data limit of 10GB applies to each credential being used. There is a data overage fee of $250 per 10GB data used beyond the initial 10GB allowance of data usage per credential
9. I am an affiliate firm, do I have to pay to use Firm Credential?
Affiliated firms are not charged a separate credential fee as long as a parent org has a PAID (Firm) credential. Affiliated firms are however, responsible to monitor their data usage and will be charged for any overages incurred. To learn more about the FINRA API Affiliate program, click here.
Please note that participation in the affiliate billing program is not automatic. Firm must proactively request to participate and any API invoices generated prior to FINRA receiving the firm's request will be valid.
10. Will calling Notification API be counted toward my data usage?
Calling Notification API will NOT be counted toward the data usage.
11. How do I stop getting billed for API?
To stop being billed for FINRA API, ensure that all PAID credentials are disabled. API Credentials can be disabled via the API Console in FINRA Gateway.
The first time a FIRM or ORGANIZATION credential is created by an API customer, the customer test period will automatically begin. This means no fees will be incurred during the first 30-days following the creation of the first credential. Once the 30 day test period ends, the first bill will be prorated. After the first bill, the API fee is charged for the entire month as long as the credential is active, even if it's only active for a single day.
12. Why did I get charged even if I didn't use the API during the month?
The API fee is charged for the entire month as long as the credential is active, even if it's only active for a single day.