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Release Notes

February 29th, 2024 Release Notes

  1. All Query Datasets
    1. Return 204 status code with an empty body when no content is found. Prior to this change, Query datasets returned a status code 200 with an empty JSON list '[]' when no content was found. 
  2. Registered Individual Search, Individual Pre-Registration Search v1 and Individual Pre-Registration Search v2
    1. Updated CRD Number provided in response from string to integer data format.
  3. Composite Individual
    1.  Added a new parameter name "sections" with the same functionality as "filters". Parameter "filters" will be removed in late March. 
    2. Added following attributes: 
      1. firmassociations.typeCode  
      2. firmassociations.endDate  
      3. firmassociations.terminatonReasonCode 
      4. firmassociations.terminationExplaination 
      7. firmAssociations.registrations.createDate 
      8. individual.registeredwithMultipleFirms 
      9. events.firmCRDNumber
    3. Removed following attribute
      1. exams.enrollmentIdentifier
    4. Added following worksheets for enum values in the WebEFTtoCompositeIndividualMappingv3 document
      1. reviewMethodReason
      2. appointmentStatusCode
      3. SDStatusCode
      4. designationTypeCode
      5. firmAssociations.typeCode
    5. Other updates to the WebEFTtoCompositeIndividualMappingv3 document are included in the versions tab