Release Notes
October 1st, 2024 Release Notes
Following API changes are now available production.
- Fixed issue related to email reminder going out to inactive API credential accounts.
- Fixed issue related to occurrences.disclosures.RegulatoryAction.dispositionDetails section not populating when "disclosureTypeCode"="REGLACTN"
- Fixed issue related to exams.status.date not matching with WebEFT
- Fixed issue related to "null" value being returned in the API response for individual.employmentsHistory.address.postalCode
- Updated schema with the following changes:
- Updated the data type for RegulatoryAction.finalOrderFlag from Boolean to String
- Added following attributes that were included in the response but missing in the schema
- registrations.creationEventIdentifier
- firmAssociations.locations.employmentLocationAssociationIdentifier
- Removed top-level attributes "position" and "yearlyStatus" from the schema to match with the API response.
- Added new fields below:
- exams.appointments.countryCode: Provides countryCode for appointments
- disclosures.submittingFirmName: Indicate the submitting Firm Name for the disclosure
- Added a unique identifier (transactionNumber) for "Transfer" and "Deposit" transaction types.
- Introduced section filters for Composite Branch. Users can filter by following sections. See dataset details section for more information.
- registrations
- clearedDeficiencies
- generalInformation:
- deficiencies
- individuals
- Added new fields below:
- identifyingInformation.mainOfcBDFl : Flag indicating if a branch is the Broker Dealer main office
- identifyingInformation.mainOfcIAFl : Flag indicating if this branch is the Investment Advisor main office