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Release Notes

October 1st, 2024 Release Notes

Following API changes are now available production.


  1. Fixed issue related to email reminder going out to inactive API credential accounts.

Composite Individual Dataset

  1. Fixed issue related to occurrences.disclosures.RegulatoryAction.dispositionDetails section not populating when "disclosureTypeCode"="REGLACTN"
  2. Fixed issue related to not matching with WebEFT
  3. Fixed issue related to "null" value being returned in the API response for individual.employmentsHistory.address.postalCode
  4. Updated schema with the following changes:
    1. Updated the data type for RegulatoryAction.finalOrderFlag from Boolean to String 
    2. Added following attributes that were included in the response but missing in the schema 
      1. registrations.creationEventIdentifier
      2. firmAssociations.locations.employmentLocationAssociationIdentifier
    3. Removed top-level attributes "position" and "yearlyStatus" from the schema to match with the API response.
  5. Added new fields below:
    1. exams.appointments.countryCode: Provides countryCode for appointments
    2. disclosures.submittingFirmName: Indicate the submitting Firm Name for the disclosure

 Accounting Dataset

  1. Added a unique identifier (transactionNumber) for "Transfer" and "Deposit" transaction types.

Composite Branch Dataset

  1. Introduced section filters for Composite Branch. Users can filter by following sections. See dataset details section for more information.
    1. registrations 
    2. clearedDeficiencies 
    3. generalInformation: 
    4. deficiencies 
    5. individuals
  2. Added new fields below:
    1. identifyingInformation.mainOfcBDFl : Flag indicating if a branch is the Broker Dealer main office
    2. identifyingInformation.mainOfcIAFl : Flag indicating if this branch is the Investment Advisor main office