Release Notes
Upcoming Updates to the Existing Query Datasets
PROD Release Date : February 29th 2024, QA Test Release Date: February 21st 2024
- All Query Datasets
- Return 204 status code with an empty body when no content is found. Currently, Query datasets return a status code 200 with an empty JSON list '[]' when no content is found. In order to distinguish this from a successful query that returns data, 204 will be returned.
- Registered Individual Search and Individual Pre-Registration Search v2
- Update CRD Number provided in response from string to integer data format.
- Composite Individual
- Add a new parameter name "sections" with the same functionality as "filters". Parameter "filters" will be removed in late March.
- Add following attributes:
- firmassociations.typeCode ( denote the employment type for the individual)
- firmassociations.endDate ( If the employee is terminated then there will be an endDate)
- firmassociations.terminatonReasonCode ( Possible values for ReasonCode)
- firmassociations.terminationExplaination ( Termination Explaination)
- firmAssociations.fingerprint.cards.terminatedDate ( Date when the fingerprint becomes termed)
- firmAssociations.fingerprint.cards.resultsProcessedDate(Date when fingerprint results are processed)
- firmAssociations.registrations.createDate
- individual.registeredwithMultipleFirms
- events.firmCRDNumber
- Remove following attribute
- exams.enrollmentIdentifier
- Mapping Changes
- Map all IIR Current registration fields to the Composite Individual Dataset attributes.
- Add enum values for following codes:
- individual.firmAssociations.registrations.reviewMethod.code
- individual.firmAssociations.registrations.reviewMethod.code
- individual.firmAssociations.registrations.reviewMethod.reasonCode
- appointment.status.code
- appointment.status
- statutorilyDisqualifiedStatusCode
- individual.professionalDesignations.designationTypeCode
March Release (Date: TBD)
- Composite Individual Dataset
- Individual.firmAssociations Changes: Add all active firms which the individual is associated to even if they are not affiliated with the calling firm. The information to be included for other associated firms will be the same as for the calling firm affiliate(s).